Kevin Altieri
Avatar; Bane; The Cat & the Claw (I);
The Clock King; Deep Freeze; The
Demon's Quest (I & II); Eternal Youth; Feat
of Clay (II); Harlequinade; Harley's
Holiday; Heart of Steel (I); Heart of Steel (II); The Last Laugh; The
Mechanic; Night of the Ninja; Off Balance; On
Leather Wings; P.O.V.; Showdown; Two Face (I & II).
Kent Butterworth
Christmas With the Joker.
Boyd Kirkland
Appointment in Crime Alley; Beware the Gray Ghost; Cat Scratch Fever; Catwalk; The
Forgotten; Harley and Ivy; His Silicon Soul; House and Garden; I Am
the Night; It's Never Too Late; Joker's Favor;
Joker's Wild; The Lion and the Unicorn; Make 'Em Laugh; Nothing to Fear;
Perchance to Dream; Pretty Poison; Read
My Lips; Second Chance; Sideshow;
Terror in the Sky.
Frank Paur
Be a Clown; Birds of a Feather; A Bullet for Bullock; The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy; I've
Got Batman in My Basement; Mad as a Hatter;
Paging the Crime Doctor; Prophecy of Doom; Shadow of the Bat (I); Shadow
of the Bat (II); The Strange Secret of Bruce Wayne; The Terrible Trio;
Tyger Tyger; The Underdwellers; Vendetta;
The Worry Men.
Eric Radomski
Almost Got 'Im; If You're So Smart Why Aren't
You Rich?; Mudslide.
Dan Riba
Babydoll; Batgirl Returns; Blind as a Bat; Fire from
Olympus; Lock-Up; Riddler's Reform; See No Evil;
Terror in the Sky; Trial; Zatanna (co-d).
Dick Sebast
The Cat & the Claw (II); Dreams in Darkness; Fear of Victory;
Feat of Clay (I); Moon of the Wolf; Robin's Reckoning (I); Robin's Reckoning
(II); What is Reality?; Zatanna (co-d).
Bruce W. Timm
Day of the Samurai; Heart of Ice; The
Laughing Fish; The Man Who Killed Batman.
Note: All credits
are as sole writer, except:
(s: story only); (t: teleplay only); (co-: co-story/teleplay/written)
Kevin Altieri
Showdown (co-s).
Mike Barr
Paging the Crime Doctor (co-s).
Beth Bornstein
Eternal Youth.
Mitch Brian
Bane; On Leather Wings; P.O.V. (s).
Lauren Bright
The Cat and the Claw (I) (co-s); The Cat and the Claw (II) (co-s); The
Mechanic (co-s); Paging the Crime Doctor (co-s); Perchance
to Dream (co-s); P.O.V. (co-t).
Alan Burnett
Mudslide (s); Read My
Lips (co-s); Riddler's Reform (co-s); The Terrible Trio (co-s);
Time Out of Joint (s); Two Face (I) (s).
Gerry Conway
Appointment in Crime Alley; Second Chance (t).
Jules Dennis
& Richard Mueller
The Cat and the Claw (I) (t); The Cat and the Claw (II) (t); The Forgotten
(co-w); The Underdwellers (t).
Sean Catherine
The Cat and the Claw (I) (co-s); The Cat and the Claw (II) (co-s); Cat
Scratch Fever (s); The Forgotten (co-w); Nothing to Fear (co-w); P.O.V.
(co-t); Prophecy of Doom (t).
Paul Dini
Almost Got 'Im; Babydoll; Catwalk; Deep
Freeze (co-s, t); Harlequinade;
Harley & Ivy; Harley's Holiday; Heart of Ice; House and Garden; Joker's
Favor; Joker's Wild; The Laughing Fish; Lock-Up
(s); Mad as a Hatter; Make
'Em Laugh (co-w); The Man Who Killed Batman;
Pretty Poison (co-s); Riddler's Reform (co-s); Second
Chance (co-s); Showdown (co-s); Trial (co-s, t); The Worry Men;
Buzz Dixon
Cat Scratch Fever (t).
Diane Duane
The Lion and the Unicorn (co-w).
Henry T. Gilroy
Nothing to Fear (co-w).
Eddie Gorodetsky
Christmas With the Joker.
Sam Graham &
Chris Hubbell
I've Got Batman in My Basement.
Steve Hayes
Be a Clown (co-w).
Marty Isenberg
& Robert N. Skir
His Silicon Soul; Lock-Up (t); What is Reality?.
Samuel Warren
Fear of Victory.
Joe R. Lansdale
Perchance to Dream (t); Read
My Lips (t); Showdown (t).
Elliot S. Maggin
The Cape & Cowl Conspiracy.
Dennis Marks
Prophecy of Doom (s).
Chuck Menville
Birds of a Feather (s).
Philip Morwood
The Lion and the Unicorn (co-w).
Dennis O'Flaherty
Beware the Gray Ghost (co-s).
Dennis O'Neil
The Demon's Quest (I); The Demon's Quest (II) (co-s).
Martin Pasko
Paging the Crime Doctor (co-t); See No Evil.
Ted Pedersen
Be a Clown (co-w).
Steve Perry
Day of the Samurai; The Lion and the Unicorn (co-w); The Mechanic (co-s);
Mudslide (t); Night of the Ninja; Terror
in the Sky (co-s); Time Out of Joint (t).
Michael Reaves
Avatar; Batgirl Returns (co-w); A
Bullet for Bullock; Feat of Clay (I) (co-s); Feat of Clay (II) (co-s,
t); I Am the Night; Perchance to Dream (co-s);
Pretty Poison (co-s); Read My Lips (co-s); Second
Chance (co-s); Sideshow (s, co-t); The Terrible Trio (co-s, t);
Tyger Tyger (co-s); Vendetta.
Judith &
Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Dreams in Darkness; Fire From Olympus; The Strange Secret of Bruce
Wayne (t).
Randy Rogel
Make 'Em Laugh (co-w); The Mechanic (t); Paging
the Crime Doctor (co-t); Riddler's Reform (co-s, t); Robin's Reckoning
(I); Robin's Reckoning (II); Tyger Tyger (co-s); Two
Face (I) (t); Two Face (II).
Tom Ruegger
Beware the Gray Ghost (co-s, co-t); It's Never
Too Late (s); Pretty Poison (t); The Underdwellers (s).
Mark Saraceni
Terror in the Sky (co-s, t).
Brynne Stephens
Batgirl Returns (co-w); Birds of a Feather (t); Heart
of Steel (I & II); Shadow of the Bat (I); Shadow of the Bat
(II); Sideshow (co-t).
Carl Swenson
The Last Laugh.
Bruce W. Timm
Deep Freeze (co-s); Showdown (co-s); Trial (co-s).
Mike Underwood
Blind as a Bat (co-s).
Len Wein
Blind as a Bat (co-s, t); The Demon's Quest II (co-s, t); Moon of the
Wolf; Off Balance.
Cherie Wilkerson
Tyger Tyger (t).
David Wise
The Clock King; If You're So Smart Why Aren't
You Rich?; The Strange Secret of Bruce Wayne (t).
Garin Wolf
Beware the Gray Ghost (co-t); It's Never Too
Late (t).
Marv Wolfman
Feat of Clay (I) (co-s, t); Feat of Clay (II) (co-s).
Jeff Atmajian
Feat of Clay (I) (co).
Stuart V. Balcomb
Almost Got 'Im; Appointment in Crime Alley; The Underdwellers (co).
Lisa Bloom
Fear of Victory (co).
Richard Bronskill
Moon of the Wolf; What is Reality?.
Kristopher Carter
Catwalk; Lock-Up (co).
Steve Chesne
Blind as a Bat (co).
Harvey R. Cohen
Batgirl Returns; A Bullet for Bullock; The Cat
and the Claw (I) (co); The Cat and the Claw (II); Cat Scratch Fever;
The Demon's Quest (II); His Silicon Soul (co); Shadow of the Bat (II);
Wayne Coster
The Cat and the Claw (I) (co).
Lars Cutterham
The Underdwellers (co).
Peter Davison
Harley and Ivy (co).
Beth Ertz
The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy (co).
Todd Hayen
Joker's Wild; Dreams in Darkness; Heart of Ice
(co); Second Chance; Showdown; Tyger Tyger.
Carl Johnson
Beware the Gray Ghost; Feat of Clay (I) (co); Heart of Steel (I); Heart
of Steel (II); His Silicon Soul (co); Time Out of
Mark Koval
The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy (co); Night of the Ninja; Off Balance (co).
Brian Langsbad
The Lion and the Unicorn; Lock-Up (co).
Michael McCuistion
Be a Clown; Christmas with the Joker (co); The Demon's Quest (I); Harley
and Ivy (co); I Am the Night; Make 'Em Laugh; Off Balance (co); Pretty
Poison (co); Riddler's Reform; Sideshow; Vendetta.
Lolita Ritmanis
Bane; Christmas with the Joker (co); Eternal Youth; Harley's Holiday;
It's Never Too Late; Pretty Poison (co); The Strange Secret of Bruce
Wayne; The Worry Men.
Carlos Rodriguez
Avatar; The Clock King; Day of the Samurai; Fear of Victory
(co); If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?; Robin's Reckoning (I).
James Stemple
Blind as a Bat (co).
John Tatgenhorst
The Mechanic (co).
Peter Tomshek
The Mechanic (co); Robin's Reckoning (II); Zatanna (co).
Nerida Tyson-Chew
Zatanna (co).
Shirley Walker
Baby Doll; Birds of a Feather; The Cat and the Claw (I)(co); Christmas
with the Joker (co); Deep Freeze; Fear of Victory
(co); Feat of Clay (II); Fire from Olympus; The
Forgotten; Harlequinade; Harley and Ivy (co); Heart
of Ice (co); House and Garden; I've Got Batman in My Basement; Joker's
Favor; The Last Laugh; The Laughing Fish;
Mad as a Hatter; The Man Who Killed Batman;
Mudslide; Nothing to Fear; On Leather Wings;
Paging the Crime Doctor; Perchance to Dream;
P.O.V.; Pretty Poison (co); Prophecy of Doom; Read
My Lips; See No Evil; Shadow of the Bat (I); The Terrible Trio;
Terror in the Sky; Two Face (I & II).
Animation Studios
Be a Clown; The Cat and the Claw (II); Cat Scratch Fever; Christmas
with the Joker; Feat of Clay (I); Joker's Wild; The Last Laugh; Mad
as a Hatter; The Mechanic; Moon of the Wolf; Prophecy of Doom; The Strange
Secret of Bruce Wayne; What Is Reality?.
Blue Pencil
Day of the Samurai; If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?.
Dong Yang
Almost Got 'Im; Appointment in Crime Alley; Bane; Batgirl Returns; Birds
of a Feather; The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy; Catwalk; Deep
Freeze; Fire from Olympus; The Forgotten;
Harlequinade; Harley and Ivy; Harley's Holiday; House and Garden; I've
Got Batman in My Basement; Joker's Favor; The Laughing Fish; The Lion
and the Unicorn; Lock-Up; Make Em Laugh; Night of the Ninja; Nothing
to Fear; Paging the Crime Doctor; Perchance to Dream; Riddler's Reform;
Robin's Reckoning (II); Second Chance; See
No Evil; Shadow of the Bat (I); Shadow of the Bat (II); Showdown;
Sideshow; Terror in the Sky; Time Out of Joint;
Trial; Two Face (II); Tyger Tyger; The Worry Men; Zatanna.
The Terrible Trio.
Beware the Gray Ghost; Heart of Ice; His Silicon Soul; It's Never Too
Late; On Leather Wings; P.O.V.; Robin's Reckoning
(I); Vendetta.
Studio Junio
Avatar; Baby Doll; Blind as a Bat; A Bullet
for Bullock; Dreams in Darkness; Mudslide; The
The Cat and the Claw (I); The Clock King; Eternal Youth; Heart of Steel
(I); Heart of Steel (II); I Am the Night; The Man
Who Killed Batman; Off Balance; Pretty Poison.
Tokyo Movie
The Demon's Quest; Fear of Victory; Feat of Clay
(II); Read My Lips; Two
Face (I).