
Links: Creators

Creator Websites

Websites maintained by artists, writers, and composers who have worked on the Batman shows.

Kristopher Carter. Publicity photos of the composer. Hasn't been updated for awhile.

Paul Dini. His Jingle Belle site, with original content. Includes "Deanspeak," an occasional weblog.

Sarah Dyer and Evan Dorkin. The House of Fun. Lots of stuff, including links to their online journals.

Steve Gerber. Bibliography and links to interviews.

Todd Hayen. Bio, music clips, and discography.

Joe R. Lansdale. Includes bio, bibliography and free stories.

Dwayne McDuffie. Alright, he has no Batman credits, but he did fine work on some of the later series.

Glen Murakami. Links to sites where his artwork is for sale.

Michael Reaves. Includes unproduced BTAS scripts and lots of other goodies.

Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens. Bibliographies.

Robert N. Skir. Concentrates mostly on Beast Machines and Transformers.

Shirley Walker. Includes music clips, discography, and links to interviews.

Marv Wolfman. Oddball collection of online content. Includes a weblog.

Interviews and Profiles

Online interviews and/or profiles of producers, writers, composers or artists associated with the Batman series.

  1. Kristopher Carter: Toon Zone. 2001. Interview with one of the composers for Batman, Superman & Justice League.

  2. Darwyn Cooke: Critical Eye. 1999. Interview with the designer of the incredible Batman Beyond title sequence.

  3. Paul Dini: The Dini/Wikipedia Affair. 2005. A biographical sketch with many quotes drawn from interviews.

  4. Paul Dini: jemlist. Seemingly complete bibliography of his creative work.

  5. Dini: Animation Nerd's Paradise. 1996-97. Long interview, and the best with Dini I've seen.

  6. Dini: Harley-Quinn.com. 1998. Transcript of chat session; short questions and answers mostly about The New Batman-Superman Adventures.

  7. Dini: The Critical Eye. May 1999. Interview concentrating on his career and work at WB.

  8. Dini: Sequential Tart. April 2000. Interview about his hit comic book Jingle Belle.

  9. Dini: Oddball Comics. 2001. Dini praising a Tasmanian Devil one-shot comic from the 60s.

  10. Dini: WB Animation Archive. 2001. Dini on ROTJ, the future of WBA, and the aftermath of 9-11.

  11. Dini: Animation World. April 2002. Oddball recitation of faves ("Lois Lane or Lana Lang?" "Favorite planet, other than Earth?") Weird, and weirdly informative.

  12. Dini and Bruce Timm: Toon Zone. 2003. Feature article looking back at "Heart of Ice" and the history and development of Mr. Freeze.

  13. Rich Fogel: Toon Zone. 2001. Short biographical interview, with brief discussion of Justice League.

  14. Glen Murakami: Animation World News. 2003. The producer of the just-premiered Teen Titans talks about the new show.

  15. Glen Murakami: Toon Zone. 2003. Murkami is interviewed about Teen Titans.

  16. Glen Murakami & Bruce Timm: Critical Eye. 1999. Long, fascinating joint interview. A must-read.

  17. Michael Reaves: Animation Artist. 2000. The scriptwriter talks about working on Batman, Gargoyles, and animation in general.

  18. Eric Radomski: Animation World News. 2000. Wide-ranging interview on his background, the business, BTAS, Spawn, and what came afterward.

  19. Bruce W. Timm: Jack Kirby Collector. 1999 (?). Excerpt from longer interview, discussing Kirby and his influence on Timm.

  20. Timm: Comic Book Artist. 1999. Excerpt from longer interview, discussing Kirby and the "Fourth World."

  21. Timm: Part I; Part II. 2001 ComicsContinuum interview, concentrating on Justice League.

  22. Timm: Toon Zone. 2001. Interview focusing on just-premiered Justice League. Interesting discussion of continuity problems between the various series.

  23. Timm: Toon Zone. 2002. Quirky, fun discussion of Batman, Superman and the Justice League. Be sure to read all the way to the end for his favorite "emotional" moments from the various series.

  24. Timm: The Pulse. 2003. Preview of the second season of Justice League. Includes mea culpas for the first season.

  25. Timm: Toon Zone. 2003. Talks about Darkseid and Superman.

  26. Shirley Walker, et al: Movie Poop Shoot. 2002. Terrific profile of the team behind the music of BTAS, BB, STAS, and Justice League. In depth comments and revelations galore.

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